A downloadable game

This is a game I spent far, far too long making using the antiquated and frankly terrible JavaFX engine. It's an incremental game, very vaguely inspired by the likes of The Dark Room and Kittens Game. You develop a village from nothing and eventually build up to creating a barracks, allowing you to send out soldiers to gain "fame" - score points. There is no saving, so don't close it.

This is of course assuming you can run it. JavaFX is not... kind. I made it in it as a personal challenge. This has been posted mostly as a way to remember this effort.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)


src.zip 16 MB
JavaFXIncremental.jar 24 MB

Install instructions

If you really, really want to run this then you'll need to have java21 or above and download openjfx21 sdk. Then, you'll need to run the jar with the following command, properly rewritten:
java -jar --module-path path-to-javafx/javafx-sdk-21/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml JavaFXIncremental.jar
Good luck! Running the game is something I don't actually expect anyone to do.

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